Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Poetry.2line poetry in urdu.2 line poetry in urdu attitude.attitude poetry text.attitude poetry in urdu 2 line for girl sms.attitude poetry for boy in urdu text.ghazl best pottery

                               P O E T R Y 

تیرے تکبر سے  بھی گستاخ ہے لہجہ میرا ☠️😈

میرا ظرف نہ آزما مجھے خاموش رہنے دے☠️☠️😈

تیری یاد کی بارش جب بھی برستی ہے مجھ پر

میں ٹوٹ سا جاتا ہوں کسی کچے مکان کی طرح.💔💔

بہــــــــت روکا دل کو مگر کہاں تک روکتے..!! ❤️😉

محبت بڑھتی گئی تیرے نخروں کی طرح..!! ❤️🤗.

💔‏ﻣﯿﺮﮮ ﻟﻔﻈﻮﮞ ﺳﮯ ﻧﮧ ﮐﺮ ، ﻣﯿﺮﮮ ﮐﺮﺩﺍﺭ ﮐﺎ ﻓﯿﺼﻼ ،،💔

💔ﺗﯿﺮﺍ ﻭﺟﻮﺩ ﭨﻮﭦ ﺟﺎﺋﮯ ﮔﺎ ، ﻣﯿﺮﯼ ﺣﻘﯿﻘﺖ ﮈﮬﻮﻧﮉتے ڈھونڈتے#..

‏وفاوں سے مکر جانا________ ہمیں آیا نہیں اب تک💔✌,,!! 

جو واقف نہ ہو چاہت سے_____ ہم ان سے ضد نہیں کرتے,,!!💔🙂

💔نہ جانے آخر اتنا درد کیوں دیتی ہےیہ دنيا💔

💔ہنستا ہوا انسان بھی دعآوَں میں موت مانگتا ہے💔

بھروسہ مت کرنا اس دنیا کے لوگوں پے ..!!!

مجھے تباہ کرنے والا میرا بہت عزیز تھا.💔

دیکھ کر اُس کے شہر کا موسم رؤے ہم لوگ⛅✨

کے اتنے حسین شہر کے اتنے بےوفا لوگ😢💔💔

تو کیا اب نیند بھی آنے لگی ہے

تو بستر کیوں بِچھایا جا رہا ہے  🥀🖤

کسی کے بچھڑنے سے کوئ مر نہیں جاتا

 ہاں !مگر جینے کے انداز بدل جاتے ہیں....💕💖💖

باوا کسے نوں یار بنانے توں پہلے ھک گل یاد رکھیں…•

کمی کم تک نال ہوسی نسلی دم تک نال ہوسی...!!

محبت تو سب اپنی مرضی سے کرتے ہیں۔۔

نکاہ کی بات کرو تو گھر والے نہیں مانیں گے۔

منافقت کا نصاب پڑھ کر محبتوں کی کتاب لکھنا،،،

بڑا کٹھن  ہے خزاں کے ماتھے  پر داستانِ گلاب لکھنا۔

🖤🥀ھمارا تو خیال تھا کہ وہ ہمارے ہی ہونگے🥀🖤


🥀🖤خیال تو اچھا تھا مگر تھا تو خیال ہی🖤🥀

❣️میری یہی عادت تم کو ہمیشہ یاد رہے گی ❤❤

محترم ❤

❣️نا کوئی مطلب😔 نا کوئی گلہ 😔،جب بھی ملا مسکرا😊 کرملا ‏❣️

تو اس قدر مجھے اپنے قریب لگتا ہے

تجھے الگ سے جو سوچوں عجیب لگتا ہے

یہ دوستی یہ مراسم یہ چاہتیں یہ خلوص

کبھی کبھی یہ سب کچھ عجیب لگتا ہے

کسی کو پسند کرنا اور اسے رب سے مانگنا🤲🏻❤️

آپ کے مخلص ہونے کی دلیل ہے💯❤️

ایسی تصویر بنا روتے ہوۓ خوش بھی لگوں۔

غم کی ترسیل تو ہو غم کا تماشا نہ بنے۔۔۔،

دنیا میں کچھ حادثے ایسے ہوتے ہیں..👉                                جو سمجھا دیتے ہیں ماں باپ کےسوا کوئی مخلص نہیں... 🔥💯

خود کو اچھا دکھانے کیلئے لوگ 

اکثر ہماری برائی کرتے ہیں 🚩

تیری سوچ سے الگ اک معیار رکھتے ہیں😎😎

ہم اپنے دم پر اپنی پہچان رکھتے ہیں💪💪  


🔥🔥حسن والے ہمارے در کے فقیر ہیں !!!🔥🔥

       🔥🔥 جناب !!🔥

ہم اپنی سادگی سے بادشاہوں کو جھکا دیتے ہیں !!!!🔥🔥

ایک چاھت ہوتی ہے دوستوں کے ساتھ جینے کی " صاحب✌ "❤

پتا تو ہمیں بھی ہے مرنا ایک دن اکیلے ہی ہیں

❣️◉‿◉مطلبی یاران❣️◉‿◉⁩

🌷🌹اب دل 💔  پر لگتی ہیں باتیں ہماری ان کو🌷🌹


🌷جو کبھی کہتے تھے تم جو مرضی بولو اچھا لگتا ہے🌹

❤زِندگِی نام ہے___________ کُچھ لمحوں کا❤

❤اور اِن لمحوں میں سکُون کا باعِث صِرف تُم❤

اِتنے ملتے ہیں میری شاعری میں حوالے اُسکے.... 💔🍁🍂

کچھ لوگ اب بھی اُسے میرا صنم سمجھتے ہیں💔🍁


ہزاروں نسخے بناؤ  ____شفا کے لئے__🥀


نگاہِ یار سے بڑھ کر کوئی دوا ہی نہیں❤️

‏رابطـــــــــوں کی نہ کیجئـــــــــے پروہ 

آپ عـــــــــادت نہیں، محـــــــــبت ہیں ۔۔۔💕

💕🌹محبت چہرے نہیں دیکھتی🥰💞💕

محبت تو چاہت ، احترام اور پاکیز ہ جذبات دیکھتی ہے❤️


❤پیار کے لئے دِل ⁦♥️دِل کے لئے تُم 👰

❤تمہارے لئے میں 👱اور میرے لئے تُم 💑

ہمـــــــــاری شـــــــــاعری پــہ تـــو لـــــوگ واہ واہ کــــــرتے ہیـــــــــں❤

تـــو ســــوچـــو وہ کیســـا ہــو گا جس کی خاطر ہم شـــاعری کرتے ہیں

ڈر سے بــــند کـــر دی نفســـیات کی کــتاب  🖤🥀

پاگل ہونے کی ساری علامتیں مجھ میں تھی 💯


*کتابوں کی طرح بہت سے الفاظ ہیں مجھ میں*

*اور کتابوں کی طرح بہت  خاموش  ہوں  میں*💔

محفلِ حسن تهی_______میخانہ تها ساقی کا...

شاعری عروج پہ پہنچی تو سامنے رقیب آ بیٹھا...💔

‎محبت اور موت کی پسند تو دیکھو  

ایک کو دل❤️ چاہیے______دوسرے کو دھڑکن 

🔥🔥آتٍشٍٍ عٍشٍقُُ🔥🔥

میں نے ہر بار نئی آ نکھ  سے  د یکھا  تجھ  کو♣️

مجھ  کو ہر با ر نیا عشق  ہوا  ہے تجھ  سےシ︎✔︎

تھک گیا ہوں جینے کی اداکاری کر کر کے...😒

ﻣﯿﮟ ﻣﺮ ﮐﯿﻮﮞ ﻧﮩﯿﮟ ﺟﺎتا  ﺍﯾﮏ ﺩﻡ ﺳﮯ...😊💔

*افسوس تو اس بات کا ہے صاحب🥀*

*ہمیں جو بھی ملا منافق ملا😔*

*یہ کردار کے گندے آئینے اپنے پاس رکھے 🔥⁦✌️⁩*

*یہاں پر کون کتنا پارسا ہے ہم خوب سمجھتے ہیں*

*یارو اک بات ھے وہ تیسرا شخص کتنا خوش نصیب ہوتا ہے*

 *جس کو ہمارا من پسند شخص مفت میں مل جاتا ہے ... !!!*

... 🖤💔

کبھی کبھی لگتا ہے کہ میں کوئی ستارہ ہوں 

مجھے ٹوٹتا دیکھ کر کچھ لوگوں کی خواہش پوری ہو جاتی ہے....!!!

منافق چہروں سے واقف ہوں میں 🥰🥀


وہ الگ بات ہے احترام کرنا فطرت میں شامل ہے 🥀😊

*ہیں نہ مجھ میں غلط فہمیاں!*

*تجھے جب بھی سمجھا، اپنا سمجھا💯🔥*

*"میری ہر ایک امید کا  قاتل.🌾🥀*

*تیرا ایک لفظ _ خدا حافظ"!❤✌*


ہمارا معیار دل کی خوبصورتی ہے!

ہم حسین چہروں کو کچھ نہیــــں سمجھتے 🤟

نہ سمیٹ پاٶ گے جسے قیامت تک تم,_______❤ 

قسم تمہاری تمہیں اتنا پیار کرتے ہیں ہم______❤

تیری محبت سے بھر رکھی ہے میں نے اپنے دل کی تجوری🔐                                   

کوئی کوہ نور لا کر بھی دے تو میں سودا نہ کروں..❤️

________` 🥀✨ -"

کھو گئے تو پچھتاؤ گے بہت___!!

مجھے تو لوٹ آنے کی عادت بھی نہیں🙂🥀💔

جب تھا تو بہت پُختہ تھا اِک شخص سے رشتہ😑😑💔

ٹُوٹا ہے تو  اب ٹُکڑے سنبھالے نہیں جاتے🥀🥀🥀

#بندے راٹھ نہوں کردے ظرف داسودا

#بھانویں خاک اچ خاک ہو جاون🔥

اے محبت ترے انجام پہ رونا آیا

جانے کیوں آج ترے نام پہ رونا آیا

یوں تو ہر شام امیدوں میں گزر جاتی ہے

آج کچھ بات ہے جو شام پہ رونا آیا

شکیل بدایونی

ظاہر پہ چھڑکتے ہیں مسرّت کا بہت عِطر

باطن  سے  اُداسی کی مگر بُو  نہیں  جاتی


ڈھونڈتا پھرتا ہوں میں اقبالؔ اپنے آپ کو ❣️

آپ ہی گویا مسافر آپ🚶🏼‍♂️ ہی منزل ہوں میں🛣️

لڑکیاں اتنی پیاری ھوتی ہے🙈🙈🙈 کہ روٹیاں بھی ان کو دیکھ کے جل جاتی ہے😂😂اور لوگ سمجھتے ہیں کہ انہیں روٹیاں پکانا نہیں آ تی😂🙆‍♂️

لوگوں سے کیا شکایت_🔥


ہم تو خود کو زہر لگتے ہے۔۔۔۔💔

‏💔 ٹوٹ کر چاہنا اور_____ پھر ٹوٹ جانا! 

بات چھوٹی ہے مگر جان نکل جاتی ہے 😢💔

کسی نے مجھ سے پوچھا لیا❤️

 کیسے ہو؟؟؟😟

ہم نے ہنس کے کہا،،،،،😕

زندگی میں غم،،،،،💯

غم میں درد‼️

درد میں مزا💔🔥

اور مزے میں ہم🤕💯

میرا مزاج ہے_________پرندوں🕊 جیسا!!👏✌

مسکرا کر جینا____ حوصلے  بلند رکھنا😘❤👌

دل توڑ کر؟؟؟💔!

  عبادتیں کرتے ھو...........!

            دعا ہے میری،

تمہارے سجدے قبول ھوں 😔😢


*ہر دن لگتا ہے آخری دن مجھے*

*مرتے مرتے بھی سالوں بیت گٸے مجھے🥀🌚*

چھوڑو صاحب وہ تو حور ہے

اور حوریں گناہ گاروں کو کہا ملتی ہیں

کسی کو پسند أنا بہت أسان ہے 

ہمیشہ اس کی پسند رہنا مشکل ہے 🎶🔥

اِس دل میں کِس کِس کو _______ جگہ دیں مرشد💔🔥

غم رکھیں،دم رکھیں، فریاد رکھیں، یا اس کی یاد رکھیں



کملیا!   یقین  کرنا  سِکھ

شک  تے ساری دنیا کردی اے♥️🥀

یہ آئینے تجھے کیا دیں گے تیری خبر

آ دیکھ میری آنکھوں سے کہ تو کتنا حسین ہے💞💞💞

ان کی گہری نیند کا منظر بھی کتنا حسین ہوتا ہے 

تکیہ کہیں زلف کہیں خود کہیں🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀

‏جب وہ سج کے سنور گئے ہوں گے 

دیکھنے والے تو مر گئے ہوں گے❤️🥀

*تم بن نہیں کوئی ہمارا* 💔

 *اس بات کا فائدہ اُٹھاتے ہو نا*🔥🔥🔥🔥

‏تُو اب اُداس جو بیٹھے گا سامنے اُن کے

تو پھر وہ رحم کریں گے محبتیں تو نہیں💔💯🔥

کوئی سکھائے محبت کے قرینے اُسے😏😏

خط کے غصّے میں کبوتر نہیں مارے جاتے

یوں نہ کہو کہ قسمت کی بات ہے...💘

❤  جناب ❤

میری تنہائ میں کچھ تمہارا بھی ہاتھ ہے.....💔💔

دل کی ساری رگیں چیختی ہیں۔۔۔۔۔❣

جب تم سے رابطه نہیں ھوتا۔۔۔۔۔💔

ڈال کر اپنے کردار پہ پرداہ💜🥀


ہر شخص کیہ رہا ہے زمانہ خراب ہے🥀🥀

افسوس کوئی پوچھتا ہی نہیں حال دل 🔥

ہر کوئی پوچھتا ہے رنگ کو تیرے کیا ہوا 🔥

ابھی تو اور بھی مطلب تھے مجھ میں

بیوقوف، تم ایک ہی نکال کر چل دیئـے..💔🥀

عشق رُوح سے رُوح کا ہو ❤️💯

رنگوں کا کیا ہے جسم تو خاک ہے🤐??

*حقیقت کیا ہے میری یہ میں جانتا ہو* 🍁

 *ہر چہرے پر ہنسی سچی نہیں ہوا* *کرتی* 🥀

مجھے آتے ہیں محبت کی تمام وظیفے🤦🏻🖤

 میں چاہوں تو تمہیں پاگل کر دوں🙈❤

*کیوں نہ بے فکر ہو کر سویا جائے🙂*

*اب بچا ہی کیا ہے جسے کھویا جائے🖤*

وہ جو غم سن کر بھی ہنستے اور ہنساتے تھے❤

    *اے وقت*

ان یاروں کو ڈھونڈ لا آج دل اداس ہے بہت 😞

" _ نہ جانے تجھے میری سمجھ کیوں نہیں آتی ورنہ ,

یار تو یاروں کا ___ دکھ سمجھتے ہیں ♥️🔥💯 "

*کچھ یادیں انسان کے لیے تمانچے کی حیثیت رکھتی ہیں '💔🙂*

‏سائے کی طرح ساتھ رہا ____تیرا تصور💔💔

تنہائی بھی ہم نے کبھی___ تنہا نہ گزاری💔💔💔

بات بات پہ جو بھر آتی ہیں آنکھیں اپنی۔۔۔!!!

یاد رکھی ہے کسی دکھ کی کہانی دل نے۔۔۔🔥💯

ہم جی رہے ہیں کوئی بہانہ کیے بغیر😥😢😥

اس کے بغیر ، اس کی تمنا کیے بغیر💔💔

جون ایلیا🔥

میرے ہونے سے تو بڑھتے ہیں مسائل ان کے 

میں جو مر جاؤں تو اپنوں کو سہولت ہو گی💔😢

💔کیوں ناراض رھتے ھو میری نادان سی حرکتوں سے

کچھ دن کی تو زندگی ھے پھر چلے جائیں گے ہمیشہ کے لئے.

مجھے پرواہ نہیں ہے اپنے کل کی...⏰👉


 میں ہر دن آخری سمجھ کے  جیتا ہوں.🔥🔥

💔''چلو ہم ضد نہیں کرتے کے ہمارا ہال پوچھو...?💔 

💔"تم خود کس حال میں ہو اتنا تو بتا دیا کرو...!!!💔

کسی کے پاس ہے وہ سارے کی ساری

میرے پاس بس ایک تصویر ہے اُس کی ..🍂🌸

             💔 ۔۔🥀🙃

ہم نے دیکھی ہیں وہ مجبوریاں🔥

جن کے قصے سنا کر لوگ چھوڑ جاتے ہیں🖤

میں خوشیاں سمجھ کے زندگی کے اختتام کو لوٹ رہا تھا

ہے کوئی اور میرے بعد تیری دُنیا میں

میری دُنیا میں تیرے بعد دوبارہ دُکھ

Sunday, April 10, 2022

imran khan.Imran Khan was ousted as Pakistan's prime minister.imran khan news

                          Imran Khan

imran khan.Imran Khan was ousted as Pakistan's prime minister.imran khan news

Imran Khan was ousted as Pakistan's prime minister on Sunday morning after 174 MLAs voted against him in a no-confidence motion. The vote came as the House Speaker resigned, saying he could not oversee the removal of his close aide for 30 years, and it was past midnight as Khan's own legislators delayed voting throughout Saturday. Close voting allowed. Before the voting debate could begin, all of Khan's aides left the chamber. The Supreme Court ordered a vote later on Saturday after Khan dismissed a previous attempt to dissolve parliament in an attempt to halt the election, saying it was unconstitutional. Asia How the Pakistan political stalemate affects US interests in the region In a passionate speech on Friday, Khan reiterated his accusations that his rivals were colluding with the United States over his foreign policy choices, which were often criticized by China, Russia and the U.S. Khan said Washington had protested a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin on February 24, just hours after tanks crashed into Ukraine, leading to a devastating war in the heart of Europe. The US State Department has denied any involvement in Pakistan's internal politics. State Department Deputy Spokeswoman Jalina Porter told reporters Friday that the allegations were baseless. Sponsor message However, Khan urged his supporters to take to the streets, especially the youth who have been the backbone of his support since the former cricket star's conservative Islamic politician came to power in 2018. He said he wanted to defend and oppose the sovereignty of Pakistan. American dictatorship. , "You have to come out to protect your future. You have to defend your democracy, your sovereignty and your freedom. It is your duty," he said. "I do not accept the government imposing." If Khan has limited options and a large number of people support him, he may try to continue the pace of street protests as a way to pressure him to dissolve parliament and hold early elections. . The defeat of distrust of Khan may bring some unlikely partners to power. One of them is the primary religious party that runs many religious schools. The Jamiat-e-Ulema-Islam, or Assembly of Clergy, teaches the deeply conservative brand of Islam in its schools. Many of the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan's homegrown violent Taliban have graduated from JUI schools. The largest of the opposition parties - the Pakistan People's Party and the Pakistan Muslim League - led by the son of former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto - have been tainted by the allegations. Widespread corruption. Sponsor message The leader of the Pakistan Muslim League, former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif, has been accused of corruption after his name appeared in the Panama Papers. It's a collection of leaked secret financial documents that show how some of the world's richest people hide their money and the Global Law Firm in Panama. The Supreme Court of Pakistan has ruled that Sharif is ineligible to take office. If the opposition wins the no-confidence vote, it will be up to parliament to elect a new head of government, Sharif's brother Shabaaz Sharif. Elections will come soon if the MLAs fail.

Saturday, April 9, 2022

cruz azul.cruz azul live.cruz azul game today.cruz azul players.cruz azul hidalgo.cruz azul jersey history.cruz azul history.cruz azul record

           C r u z - A z u l 

cruz azul.cruz azul live.cruz azul game today.cruz azul players.cruz azul hidalgo.cruz azul jersey history.cruz azul history.cruz azul record

This article is about a men's football club in Mexico City. For other uses, see Cruz Azul (disambiguation). Club Deportivo Social and Cultural Cruise Azul Association S.A. D CV or simply Cruz Azul (pronounced [kɾus a'sul]) is a professional football club based in Mexico City, Mexico. It competes in the Liga MX, the top division of Mexican football. "Azul" means "blue" in Spanish, and the club traditionally wears a blue home kit. Cruz Azulu new escudo.svg Full name Club Deportivo Social and Cultural Cruz Azul Association S.A. D CV Surname La Macquina (machine) Los Celeste (The Sky-Blues) Los Cementoros (cement manufacturer) Los Librez (The Horse) Los de la Noria (La Noria people) Short name Kazi Established 22 May 1927; 94 years ago Land Estadio Azteca Capacity 87,000 [1]
cruz azul.cruz azul live.cruz azul game today.cruz azul players.cruz azul hidalgo.cruz azul jersey history.cruz azul history.cruz azul record

Owner Cemento Cruz Azulu President Jaime Ordials Manager Juan Renoso Federation Liga MX Aperture 2021 8 (Reclassification) Website Club Website Home colors Color away The third color Current season Founded in Jasso, Hidalgo, the club officially moved to Mexico City in 1971, where it has a strong presence and activity since its inception. Estadio Azteca, the largest sports venue in the country, served as their home venue until 1996 when they switched to Estadio Azul. The team returned to Azteca 22 years later at the end of the 2017–18 Liga MX season. It is headquartered in La Noria, a suburb of Xochimilco, south of Mexico City. [2] Cruz Azul Toluca, C.D., is a 10-time nine-time Primara Division Champion. Guadalajara's 12, and Club America's 13. Cruz Azul's six titles CONCACAF became the second most successful club in Champions League history, the most prestigious international club competition in North American football, after Intercity rival Club America. Cruz Azul was the first CONCACAF team to reach the final of the Copa Libertadores in 2001, the most prestigious club competition in South American football (inviting top league MX clubs from 1998 to 2017) from Argentine football giants Boca Juniors. Defeated on penalty. During the 1968-69 season, Cruz Azul became the first CONCACAF club (and the third worldwide) to win the Mexican Primara Division Championship, the Copa Mexico National Tournament and the CONCACAF Champions League, and complete the Rare Continental Treble.
cruz azul.cruz azul live.cruz azul game today.cruz azul players.cruz azul hidalgo.cruz azul jersey history.cruz azul history.cruz azul record

In the 2014 Club World Rankings, the International Federation of Football History and Statistics ranked Cruz Azul as the 99th best club in the world and the third best club in CONCACAF. [3] According to several published polls, Cruz Azul is the third most popular in Mexico. Team, CD Guadalajara and Club America only. [4] It is the second most supported team behind the US and PUMAS ahead of UNAM in its hometown of Mexico City. Edit history Edit background and foundation Carlos Garces Lopez is a footballer and athlete who represented Mexico in athletics and football at the 1924 and 1928 Summer Olympics, respectively. [5] As a midfielder, he was part of the founding team of Club America and was a key player in the dominance of Primara Forza in the mid - 1920s. [6] [7] Playing in the first series of Mexico's official international matches against Guatemala, Garces Lopez also became part of Mexico's first national football team in 1923. [8] [9] Since football was not a lucrative business in Mexico, Gars Lopez, a licensed dentist, worked for Cemento Cruz Azul, a cement company in the small town of Jasso in Hidalgo, which provided dental care to its employees. Medical services provided. He regularly travels from Jasso to Mexico City to train and play for the United States. [10] In 1925, Cemento Cruz Azul voted to form a company baseball team because the sport was popular in the city of Jasso. [11] However, Garc లోa L లోpez personally lobbied for several months to turn the official company sport into football. Garse Lopez, who initially received resistance from American employees, eventually persuaded company directors to hold a referendum to allow workers to vote on the company team's main game. A vote was taken on March 22, 1927, where the company decided to change the team sport from baseball to football.
cruz azul.cruz azul live.cruz azul game today.cruz azul players.cruz azul hidalgo.cruz azul jersey history.cruz azul history.cruz azul record

[12] Cemento Cruz set up a football pitch on the company premises in place of the Azul baseball field, and the football team was officially established on May 22, two months later, where Garces Lopez was appointed head coach of the newly formed team. [10] [13] Amateur Age (1927–1960) Amendment Initially, Cemento Cruz played with teams representing the neighboring city of Jasso in local tournaments organized by Azul. For the next three decades the team was formed entirely with employees. The club was widely successful in amateur tournaments in the 30s and 40s, winning 15 state-level league titles in a row. Cooperative (1931–1934) established by amendment By 1931, Cemento Cruz Azul was facing many financial difficulties after the Great Depression. Due to demand and production losses of cement and other construction materials, Cemento Cruz Azul went bankrupt and was purchased by the cement company La Tolteca on March 1, 1931 for 1 million pesos. Liquidated, 192 workers of Cemento Cruz Azul sued company officials to prevent the transfer of assets to the company, scheduled for October 15 of that year. The Hidalgo government ruled in favor of the workers when it showed that La Tolteca was premeditated with the intention of liquidating. Workers took control of industrial facilities on November 2. On May 21, 1932, Governor Hidalgo, Bartholomew Vargas Lugo, ordered 192 workers in the Cemento Cruz Azul to use the prestigious domain as the collective owners of the plant. As part of the deal, a total of 192 workers who took charge of the plant agreed to pay Hidalgo State 1.3 million pesos over a 10-year period.

Friday, April 8, 2022

Denise Welch.Jacqueline Denise Welch.denise welch full history.denise welch.denise welch twitter

 Jacqueline Denise Welch

Denise Welch.Jacqueline Denise Welch.denise welch full history.denise welch.denise welch twitter

Jacqueline Denise Welch (born 22 May 1958) is an English actor, television personality and writer. [1] Her roles include the Corionation Street (1997–2000), Steph Haddock in Waterloo Road (2006–2010), and the Holyox on Trish Miniver (2021–2022). Welch also appears as a regular panelist on the ITV chat show Loose Women (2005–2013, 2018 – present). Dennis Welch Dennis Welch.png Welch in 2011 Born Jacqueline Denise Welch 22 May 1958 (age 63) Tynemouth, North Tyneside, England Occupation The actress is a television personality writer Active for years 1981 – present Owner ITVBBC Channel 4 Spouse David Easter I (M. 1983; Div. 1988) Tim Healy I (M. 1988; Div. 2012) Lincoln Townley (b. 2013) Children 2; Including Matthew Welch's other acting roles include the television dramas Spender (1991–1993), Soldier Soldier (1993–1995), and Down to Earth (2004–2005). In 2011, he competed in the sixth series of Dancing on Ice, where he partnered with professional skater Matt Evers. In 2012, Welch Celebrity won the ninth series of Big Brother. Early life amendment Jacqueline Denise Welch was born in Tynemouth, Northumberland. [2] She has a younger sister named Debbie. [3] [4] Welch attended Boygate School in Wheatley Bay before moving to Abchester, County Durham at the age of 13. And attended the La Segessi School in Newcastle upon Tyne, where he attended the Blackfine Grammar School in Connaught and passed five GCEs. Tests. [6] [7] [8] He became interested in acting at the age of 14 after starring in the school production of the Finnish Rainbow. At the age of 17, he wanted to go to a teacher training college in Crowe; [2] However, his father and his drama teacher advised him to apply to the Mountview Academy of Theater Arts in London. Welch was successful in her application and remained in school from 1976 to 1979, earning her equity card while teaching dance at the Watford Palace Theater. [4] [6] Edit careers Edit acting Welch became a straight actor after he dropped out of school at the age of 12. [4] He performed with the McGonagall brothers at the Astoria Theater in Yakti-yak, London in 1983 and later joined the Live Theater Company, Newcastle. , He starred in several productions, including My Soup. Girl, and one of them was Alan Acorn. Quartet plays, including a bedroom skit. She also played Sandy in the 1984 Musical Grease at the Haymarket Theater in Leicester. [6] His first television appearance was in 1981 at the Tyne Tees Television Production Barriers. [6] A few years later, he appeared in Weederson, Pet (1986)'s ITV '***** drama, and later starred in the children's television shows Biker Grove (1990–1991) and A Kind of Living (1988). ) Played. Catherine Cookson adapted The Glass ****** (1995), and co-starred with Jimmy Nell in the BBC's Spender (1991–1993). In 1993, Welch became a household name when she starred as Marsha Stubbs in ITV's drama series Soldier Soldier. Due to his success in the series, he released the double-a-side single in 1995, "You Don't Have to Say You Love Me" (Dusty Springfield hit cover) "Cry Me a River" (A) by Julie London (Standard Standard) by UK Ranked 23rd on the singles chart. Welch gained further fame in 1997 with her performance as Natalie Horrocks on the long-running ITV soap opera Coronation Street. [4] Natalie was introduced as a divorcee, and she soon became the mistress of Sally Webster's husband Kevin Webster (played by Michael Level). Kevin and Sally are one of the show’s longtime couple and have two children. [9] Originally portrayed as a woman, Natalie is the owner of Soap's famous public house The Rovers Return. She moved towards respect. [10] In 2000, Welch wanted Coronation Street producers to present an article about Natalie's abortion, but they refused, claiming that the character had already lost her husband and son. Welch, who was expecting a baby the same year, however, decided to leave the show. At the time, Welch commented, "I look forward to being a mother again and spending some time with my baby and enjoying new challenges in my career." A Grenada TV spokeswoman commented, "[Natalie]'s role is lost as she moves to a new place, and we wish Denise the birth of her child and her future career." [11] In 2002, Welch made a guest appearance on ITV's Where the Heart Is and the BBC's Hospital Drama Holby City, as Risk Manager Pam McGrath, who had an on - screen relationship with Mubs Hussein (played by Ian Aspinall). Operated. He guest-starred twice on ITV's long-running police drama The Bill (1997 and 2006) and on the BBC's Doctors (2004), Down to Earth (2004–2005) and Born and Bread (2002–2003). Welch also starred in the British film The Jealous God (2005) and other roles in Holyox: In the City (2006). From 2006 to 2010, he appeared as Steph Haddock, a French teacher on the successful BBC One school-based drama series Waterloo Road, and Janet "Goldie" on the long-running episode of the medical drama series "Wicked" casualty. Starred in the role of gold. It aired on 2 July 2011. [12] [13] Welch actually won the role of Francis Myers in Bad Girls, but was reduced due to illness at the time; She got the role instead of her fianc Waterloo Road co-star Eva Pope. [14] [15] Welch Waterloo left the road and did not intend to return for Series Six, but eventually decided to return for episodes nine and ten. [16] [17] Benidorm Tweets via Twitter feed, reveals that Welid will be part of Benidorm's Series 4. [18] She co-starred as 'Frightened' Mary with her then-husband Tim Healy. [19] In 2012, Welch True starred in Steel Magnolias' touring production. [20] The following year, she played Catherine Robinson in Richard Bean's Smack Family Robinson in Rose Theo.

Radar.radar weather.radar weather today

 Radar (disambiguation). 

Radar.radar weather.radar weather today

Irada For further use, see Radar (disambiguation). Radar (radio detection and calibration) [1] [2] is a diagnostic program that uses radio waves to determine the distance (width), angle, and radial speed of site-related objects. It can be used to detect planes, ships, spacecraft, guided missiles, cars, climate formation, and land. A radar system consists of a transmitter that generates electromagnetic radios or a microwaves domain, a transmitter, a receiver (usually the same rod to transmit and receive) and a receiver and processor to detect the properties of the object (s). . Radio waves (beat or continuous) emit from the transmitter to the object and return to the receiver, providing information about the location and speed of the object. The long-distance radar antenna, known as ALTAIR, is used to detect and track space objects in accordance with the ABM test at the Ronald Reagan Test Site at Kwajalein Atoll. Long-distance radar antenna, used to track space objects and throwing arrows. Israeli military radar is a type of radar used to control air traffic control. The antenna rotates at a constant speed, sweeping the local airspace through a small dry line shaped like a fan, so that it can see a plane at all altitudes. Radar of the type used for flight detection. It circles slowly, sweeping the air space with a small stick. The radar was secretly developed for use in several countries before and during World War II.
Radar.radar weather.radar weather today

A major development was the cavity magnetron in the United Kingdom, which allowed for the construction of smaller systems with lower meter adjustments. The term RADAR was coined in 1940 by the United States Navy as an acronym for "radio discovery and departure". [3] [4] The word radar has since been introduced into English and other languages as a common noun, losing all uppercase letters. During the 1954-5 RAF RADAR studies at Yatesbury Training Camp a "radio azimuth direction and rangeing" was proposed. air defense systems, archery systems, marine radars to detect land and other ships, anti-collision systems, maritime systems, outdoor monitoring and assembly systems, climate monitoring, altitude control systems and aircraft, detection systems missiles aimed at missiles, self-propelled vehicles, and ground radar for ground viewing. High-tech radar systems are associated with digital signal processing, machine learning and are able to extract useful information at very high audio levels.
Radar.radar weather.radar weather today

Some systems such as radar use other components of the electromagnetic spectrum. One example is LIDAR, which uses large infrared light from lasers instead of radio waves. With the advent of non-motorized vehicles, the radar is expected to assist the self-propelled platform to monitor the surrounding area, thus preventing unwanted incidents. [5] Edit history Topic: Radar history Preliminary Test Edit Back in 1886, German physicist Heinrich Hertz showed that radio waves could be detected in solid objects. In 1895, Alexander Popov, a physicist at the Imperial Russian Navy in Kronstadt, developed a device that used a combined tube to detect distant lightning strikes. The following year, add a spark-gap transmitter. In 1897, while examining these communication devices between two ships in the Baltic Sea, he noticed a disturbing rhythm caused by the passage of a third ship. In his report, Popov wrote that the situation could be used to obtain things, but he did nothing about it. [6] German inventor Christian Hülsmeyer was the first to use radio waves to detect "the presence of distant metal objects". In 1904, he demonstrated the possibility of seeing a ship in the thick fog, but not its distance from the sender.
Radar.radar weather.radar weather today

[7] He obtained a patent [8] for his diagnostic device in April 1904 and later a patent [9] for amendments related to measuring the distance to the ship. He also acquired a British patent on September 23, 1904 [10] for a complete radar system, which he called the telemobiloscope. It operates at a wavelength of 50 cm and a cracked radar signal was created with a spark-gap. His plan had already used the horn-horned set and was presented to German military officers in practical trials in Cologne and the port of Rotterdam but was rejected. [11] In 1915, Robert Watson-Watt used radio technology to give advance warning to airmen [12] and in the mid-1920s continued to lead the UK research center to make significant progress using radio techniques, including ionosphere exploration and lightning detection. in long distances. Through his lightning test, Watson-Watt became an expert in the use of radio guidance before turning his research into shortwave transmissions. Seeking a qualified recipient of such courses, he told "new boy" Arnold Frederic Wilkins to do a comprehensive review of the available shortwave units. Wilkins could choose the General Post Office model after realizing the textbook definition of its "blurred" effect (the common term for disruption at the time) when the plane was flying high. Across the Atlantic in 1922, after installing a dumping machine and receiver on opposite sides of the Potomac River, U.S. Army researchers A. Hoyt Taylor and Leo C. Young discovered that ships passing through the frame route caused the accepted signal to come in and out. Taylor submitted a report, suggesting that the incident could have been used to detect the presence of ships in an undisclosed location, but the Navy did not proceed immediately. Eight years later, Lawrence A. Hyland at the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) saw similar effects on the decline of passing flights; this revelation led to the inclusion of a patent [13] and a proposal

UEFA Europa League.Europa League in urdu end english

 UEFA Europa League.Europa League in urdu end english

UEFA Europa League (مختصراً UEL)، جو پہلے UEFA کپ تھا، ایک سالانہ فٹ بال کلب مقابلہ ہے جو 1971 سے یونین آف یورپین فٹ بال ایسوسی ایشنز (UEFA) کے ذریعے اہل یورپی فٹ بال کلبوں کے لیے منعقد کیا جاتا ہے۔ یہ یورپی کلب فٹ بال کا دوسرے درجے کا مقابلہ ہے، جس کی درجہ بندی UEFA چیمپئنز لیگ سے نیچے اور UEFA یوروپا کانفرنس لیگ سے اوپر ہے۔ UEFA کپ 1971 سے 1999 تک تیسرے درجے کا مقابلہ تھا UEFA کپ ونر کپ کے بند ہونے سے پہلے۔[1][2] کلب اپنی قومی لیگوں اور کپ مقابلوں میں اپنی کارکردگی کی بنیاد پر مقابلے کے لیے کوالیفائی کرتے ہیں۔ یو ای ایف اے یوروپا لیگ UEFA یوروپا لیگ (فٹ بال مقابلہ) logo.svg قائم 1971; 51 سال پہلے (2009 میں دوبارہ برانڈ کیا گیا) علاقہ یورپ (UEFA) ٹیموں کی تعداد 32 (گروپ مرحلہ) 58 (کل) کے لیے کوالیفائر UEFA سپر کپ UEFA چیمپئنز لیگ متعلقہ مقابلے UEFA چیمپئنز لیگ (پہلا درجہ) UEFA یوروپا کانفرنس لیگ (تیسرے درجے) موجودہ چیمپئنز سپین ولاریال (پہلا ٹائٹل) سب سے کامیاب کلب اسپین سیویلا (6 ٹائٹل) ٹیلی ویژن براڈکاسٹرز براڈکاسٹرز کی فہرست ویب سائٹ سرکاری ویب سائٹ 2021–22 UEFA یوروپا لیگ 1971 میں UEFA کپ کے طور پر متعارف کرایا گیا، اس نے انٹر سٹیز فیئرز کپ کی جگہ لے لی۔ 1999 میں، UEFA کپ کے فاتح کپ کو UEFA کپ کے ساتھ ضم کر دیا گیا اور اسے ایک الگ مقابلے کے طور پر بند کر دیا گیا۔[3] 2004-05 کے سیزن سے ناک آؤٹ مرحلے سے پہلے ایک گروپ مرحلہ شامل کیا گیا۔ یہ مقابلہ 2009-10 کے سیزن سے یوروپا لیگ کے نام سے جانا جاتا ہے، [4][5] فارمیٹ میں تبدیلی کے بعد۔ 2009 کی دوبارہ برانڈنگ میں UEFA انٹرٹوٹو کپ کے ساتھ ایک انضمام شامل تھا، جس سے مسابقت کا ایک وسیع فارمیٹ تیار کیا گیا تھا، جس میں ایک وسیع گروپ مرحلے اور کوالیفائنگ کے معیار میں تبدیلی تھی۔ UEFA یوروپا لیگ کا فاتح UEFA سپر کپ کے لیے کوالیفائی کرتا ہے اور، 2014-15 کے سیزن سے، گروپ مرحلے میں داخل ہوتے ہوئے، اگلے سیزن کی UEFA چیمپئنز لیگ کے لیے کوالیفائی کرتا ہے۔ ہسپانوی کلبوں نے سب سے زیادہ فتوحات حاصل کی ہیں (تیرہ جیتیں)، اس کے بعد انگلینڈ اور اٹلی کی ٹیمیں ہیں (ہر ایک میں نو جیتیں)۔ یہ ٹائٹل 29 کلبوں نے جیتا ہے جن میں سے تیرہ نے اسے ایک سے زیادہ بار جیتا ہے۔ مقابلے میں سب سے کامیاب کلب سیویلا ہے جس نے چھ ٹائٹل اپنے نام کیے۔ Villarreal 2021 کے فائنل میں مانچسٹر یونائیٹڈ کو پنالٹیز پر 11-10 سے ہرا کر موجودہ چیمپئنز ہیں۔ تاریخ میں ترمیم کریں۔ ‹ ذیل کا سانچہ (مزید حوالہ جات درکار سیکشن) کو ضم کرنے پر غور کیا جا رہا ہے۔ اتفاق رائے تک پہنچنے میں مدد کے لیے بحث کے لیے ٹیمپلیٹس دیکھیں۔ › اورجانیے اس حصے کو تصدیق کے لیے اضافی حوالوں کی ضرورت ہے۔ (جنوری 2022) UEFA کپ سے پہلے انٹر سٹیز فیئرز کپ تھا، جو کہ 1955 اور 1971 کے درمیان کھیلا جانے والا یورپی فٹ بال مقابلہ تھا۔ یہ مقابلہ پہلے ایڈیشن (1955-58) کے دوران 11 ٹیموں سے بڑھ کر آخری ایڈیشن تک 64 ٹیموں تک پہنچ گیا۔ 1970-71 میں، ختم کر دیا گیا اور اس کی جگہ UEFA کپ، ایک نیا موسمی کنفیڈریشن مقابلہ جس کا ضابطہ، فارمیٹ اور نظم و ضبط کی کمیٹی مختلف ہے۔[7] UEFA کپ پہلی بار 1971-72 کے سیزن میں کھیلا گیا تھا، جس کا اختتام ٹوٹنہم ہاٹ پور کے خلاف وولور ہیمپٹن وانڈررز کے آل انگلش فائنل کے ساتھ ہوا، جس میں اسپرس نے پہلا اعزاز حاصل کیا۔ اس کے بعد سے اس مقابلے کو فیئرز کپ کے مقابلے میڈیا کے درمیان ایک بڑا وقار اور دلچسپی حاصل ہوئی۔ یہ ٹائٹل 1973 میں ایک اور انگلش کلب لیورپول نے اپنے پاس رکھا جس نے فائنل میں بوروسیا مونچینگلاڈباخ کو شکست دی۔ Gladbach 1975 اور 1979 میں مقابلہ جیت جائے گا، اور 1980 میں دوبارہ فائنل میں پہنچ جائے گا۔ فیینورڈ نے 1974 میں ٹوٹنہم ہاٹسپر کو مجموعی طور پر 4-2 سے شکست دے کر کپ جیتا تھا (لندن میں 2-2، روٹرڈیم میں 2-0)۔ لیور پول نے 1976 میں فائنل میں کلب بروگ کو شکست دے کر دوسری بار مقابلہ جیتا تھا۔ 1980 کی دہائی کے دوران، IFK Göteborg (1982 اور 1987) اور ریئل میڈرڈ (1985 اور 1986) نے دو دو بار مقابلہ جیتا، Anderlecht نے مسلسل دو فائنل تک رسائی حاصل کی، 1983 میں جیتی اور 1984 میں Tottenham Hotspur سے ہار گئی۔ اطالوی کلبوں کا غلبہ، جب ڈیاگو میراڈونا کی ناپولی نے VfB Stuttgart کو شکست دی۔ 1990 کی دہائی کا آغاز دو آل اطالوی فائنلز سے ہوا، اور 1992 میں ٹورینو فائنل میں Ajax سے دور گولز کے اصول پر ہار گئے۔ یووینٹس نے 1993 میں تیسری بار مقابلہ جیتا اور اگلے سال انٹرنازیونال نے اٹلی میں کپ اپنے پاس رکھا۔ سال 1995 میں تیسرا آل اطالوی فائنل دیکھا گیا، جس میں پارما نے مسلسل دو کپ ونر کپ فائنلز کے بعد اپنی مستقل مزاجی کو ثابت کیا۔ اس دہائی کے دوران واحد فائنل جس میں کوئی اطالوی نہیں تھا 1996 میں تھا۔ انٹرنازیونال اگلے دو سالوں میں فائنل میں پہنچا، 1997 میں شالکے 04 سے پنالٹیز پر ہارا، اور 1998 میں ایک اور آل اطالوی فائنل جیت کر تیسری بار کپ اپنے نام کیا۔ صرف آٹھ سالوں میں. پارما نے 1999 میں کپ جیتا، جس سے اطالوی تسلط کا دور ختم ہوا۔ اتفاق سے، یہ کسی بھی اطالوی کلب کے لیے آخری UEFA کپ/یوروپا لیگ کا فائنل تھا جب تک کہ Internazionale 2020 کے فائنل میں پہنچ گیا۔ 2008-09 سیزن میں Lech Poznań اور Deportivo La Coruña کے درمیان میچ۔ 2000 کے دور کا آغاز گالتاسرائے کی فتح سے ہوا، جو ٹرافی جیتنے والی پہلی ترک ٹیم تھی۔ لیورپول نے 2001 میں تیسری بار مقابلہ جیتا تھا۔ 2002 میں، فیینورڈ نے روٹرڈیم کے اپنے ہی اسٹیڈیم، ڈی کوپ میں کھیلے گئے فائنل میں بوروسیا ڈورٹمنڈ کو 3-2 سے شکست دے کر کلب کی تاریخ میں دوسری بار فاتح بن گیا۔ پورٹو نے 2003 اور 2011 کے ٹورنامنٹس میں فتح حاصل کی، بعد میں ساتھی پرتگالی ٹیم براگا کے خلاف فتح حاصل کی۔ 2004 میں، والنسیا کی فتح کے ساتھ کپ اسپین واپس آیا، اور پھر سیویلا نے 2006 اور 2007 میں مسلسل دو مواقع پر کامیابی حاصل کی، بعد میں ساتھی اسپینیارڈ ایسپینیول کے خلاف فائنل میں۔ سیویلا کی کامیابی کے کسی بھی طرف، دو روسی ٹیمیں، 2005 میں CSKA ماسکو اور 2008 میں زینت سینٹ پیٹرزبرگ، نے اپنی شان کا مظاہرہ کیا اور ایک اور سابق سوویت کلب، یوکرین کے شاختر ڈونیٹسک نے 2009 میں جیتا، ایسا کرنے والی پہلی یوکرائنی ٹیم تھی۔ Atletico Madrid خود تین سیزن میں دو بار جیتے گا، 2010 اور 2012 میں، بعد میں ان کے اور ایتھلیٹک بلباؤ کے درمیان ایک اور آل ہسپانوی فائنل میں۔ 2013 میں، چیلسی اگلے سال UEFA کپ/یوروپا لیگ جیتنے والی پہلی چیمپئنز لیگ ہولڈر بن جائے گی۔ 2014 میں، سیویلا نے بینفیکا کو پنالٹی پر شکست دینے کے بعد آٹھ سالوں میں تیسرا کپ جیتا تھا۔ صرف ایک سال بعد، 2015 میں، سیویلا نے اپنا چوتھا UEFA کپ/یوروپا لیگ جیتا اور، ایک بے مثال کارنامے میں، اس نے 2016 کے فائنل میں لیورپول کو ہرا کر مسلسل تیسرے سال اپنے ٹائٹل کا دفاع کیا، جس سے وہ تاریخ کی سب سے کامیاب ٹیم بن گئی۔ پانچ ٹائٹلز کے ساتھ مقابلے کا۔ انہوں نے انٹر میلان کو شکست دینے کے بعد 2020 میں مزید چھٹی فتح کا اضافہ کیا۔ چیلسی اور آرسنل کے درمیان 2019 کا آل لندن فائنل اسی شہر کی دو ٹیموں کے درمیان پہلا UEFA کپ/یوروپا لیگ کا فائنل تھا۔ 2009-10 کے سیزن کے بعد سے، مقابلے کو یو ای ایف اے یوروپا لیگ کا نام دیا گیا۔ اسی وقت، UEFA انٹرٹو کپ، UEFA کے تیسرے درجے کے مقابلے کو بند کر دیا گیا اور اسے نئی یوروپا لیگ میں ضم کر دیا گیا۔

The UEFA Europa League.Europa League.The UEFA Galilean League (abbreviated as UEL)

  The UEFA Europa League 

The UEFA Galilean League (abbreviated as UEL), erstwhile the UEFA Cup, is AN annual soccer club competition unionised since 1971 by the Union of European soccer Associations (UEFA) for eligible European soccer clubs. it's the second-tier competition of European club soccer, ranking below the UEFA Champions League and on top of the UEFA Galilean Conference League. The UEFA Cup was the third-tier competition from 1971 to 1999 before the UEFA Cup Winners' Cup was discontinued .[1][2] Clubs qualify for the competition supported their performance in their national leagues and cup competitions. UEFA Galilean League UEFA Galilean League (football competition) brand.svg Founded 1971; fifty one years agone (rebranded in 2009) Region Europe (UEFA) Number of groups 32 (group stage)[a] 58 (total) Qualifier for UEFA Super Cup UEFA Champions League Related competitions UEFA Champions League (1st tier) UEFA Galilean Conference League (3rd tier) Current champions Spain Villarreal (1st title) Most in club(s) Spain urban center (6 titles) Television broadcasters List of broadcasters Website Official web site 2021–22 UEFA Galilean League Introduced in 1971 because the UEFA Cup, it replaced the Inter-Cities Fairs Cup. In 1999, the UEFA Cup Winners' Cup was united with the UEFA Cup and discontinued as a separate competition.[3] From the 2004–05 season a gaggle stage was else before the knockout part. The competition has been called the Galilean League since the 2009–10 season,[4][5] following a amendment in format.[6] The 2009 re-branding enclosed a merge with the UEFA Intertoto Cup, manufacturing AN enlarged competition format, with AN swollen cluster stage and a amendment in qualifying criteria. The winner of the UEFA Galilean League qualifies for the UEFA Super Cup and, since the 2014–15 season, qualifies for the subsequent season's UEFA Champions League, getting into at the cluster stage. Spanish clubs have the very best variety of victories (thirteen wins), followed by groups from European country and Italia (nine wins each). The title has been won by twenty nine clubs, 13 of that have won it quite once. the foremost in club within the competition is urban center, with six titles. Villarreal square measure the powerful champions, having overwhelmed Manchester United 11–10 on penalties within the 2021 final. History Edit ‹ The model below (More citations required section) is being thought-about for merging. See templates for discussion to assist reach a agreement. › Learn more This section wants further citations for verification. (January 2022) The UEFA Cup was preceded by the Inter-Cities Fairs Cup, that was a eu soccer competition compete between 1955 and 1971. The competition grew from eleven groups throughout the primary edition (1955–58) to sixty four groups by the last edition that was compete in 1970–71, being abolished and replaced by the UEFA Cup, a brand new seasonal confederation competition that have a unique regulation, format and disciplinary committee.[7] The UEFA Cup was initial compete within the 1971–72 season, over with AN all-English final of Wolverhampton Wanderers against Tottenham Hotspur, with Spurs taking the primary honours. The competition gained since then a much bigger status and interest between the mass media than the Fairs Cup.[8] The title was preserved by another English club, Liverpool, in 1973, WHO defeated Borussia Mönchengladbach within the final. Gladbach would win the competition in 1975 and 1979, and reach the ultimate once more in 1980. Feyenoord won the cup in 1974 once defeating Tottenham Hotspur 4–2 on combination (2–2 in London, 2–0 in Rotterdam). Liverpool won the competition for the second time in 1976 once defeating Club Brugge within the final. During the Eighties, IFK Göteborg (1982 and 1987) and Real Madrid (1985 and 1986) won the competition doubly every, with Anderlecht reaching 2 consecutive finals, winning in 1983 and losing to Tottenham Hotspur in 1984. The year 1989 saw the commencement of the Italian clubs' domination, once Diego Maradona's port defeated VfB urban center. The Nineteen Nineties started with 2 all-Italian finals, and in 1992, metropolis lost the ultimate to Ajax on the away goals rule. Juventus won the competition for a 3rd time in 1993 and Internazionale unbroken the cup in Italia the subsequent year. The year 1995 saw a 3rd all-Italian final, with Parma proving their consistency, once 2 consecutive Cup Winners' Cup finals. the sole final with no Italians throughout that decade was in 1996. Internazionale reached the ultimate the subsequent 2 years, losing in 1997 to Schalke 04 on penalties, and winning one more all-Italian final in 1998, taking home the cup for the third time in mere eight years. Parma won the cup in 1999, that over the Italian-domination era. By chance, it had been the last UEFA Cup/Europa League final look for any Italian club till Internazionale reached the 2020 final. Match between lecher lecher and Deportivo La Coruña in 2008–09 season. The era of the 2000s began with success for Galatasaray, the primary Turkish team to win the trophy. Liverpool won the competition for the third time in 2001. In 2002, Feyenoord became winners for the second time in club history by defeating Borussia Dortmund 3–2 within the final compete in their own sports stadium, American state Kuip in metropolis. urban center triumphed within the 2003 and 2011 tournaments, with the latter success against fellow Portuguese facet Braga. In 2004, the cup came to European country with Valencia being victorious, then urban center succeeded on 2 consecutive occasions in 2006 and 2007, the latter in a very final against fellow Spaniards Espanyol. Either facet of Sevilla's success, 2 Russian groups, CSKA Russian capital in 2005 and Zenit Saint siege in 2008, had their glory and one more former Soviet club, Ukraine's Shakhtar metropolis, won in 2009, the primary Ukrainian facet to try to to therefore. Atlético Madrid would themselves win doubly in 3 seasons, in 2010 and 2012, the latter in another all-Spanish final between them and Athletic Bilbao. In 2013, Chelsea would become the primary Champions League holders to win the UEFA Cup/Europa League the subsequent year. In 2014, urban center won their third cup in eight years once defeating Benfica on penalties. only one year later, in 2015, urban center won their fourth UEFA Cup/Europa League and, in AN unexampled achievement, they defended their title a 3rd

Sunday, April 3, 2022

I PAD very best option I Like the iPad But I Love the iPad


 The iPad is a little tablet PC made by Apple Inc. Apple initially showed it on January 27 2010. It is bigger than a cell phone and more modest than a PC. It has a various touch interface (utilize at least two fingers to do specific things). It is not the same as a PC in that it doesn't have a console. All things being equal, it has a "virtual console" utilizing the touch screen, and an actual console can be added. It doesn't have Adobe Flash. This holds it back from slamming, yet a few sites won't show effectively. Until iOS 9, likewise you can't have numerous windows open simultaneously and intuitive things between them.

Khubsurt ghazal Pottery and good work.lovely poetry

            Khubsurt  Ghazal

Don't let thirst quench your thirst

 O man!  Don't kill me your need

 The process of rewarding happens

 Don't let love kill you after us

 So don't get me wrong

 Don't let this conversation of yours kill you

 Let them burn and watch them

 Do not kill these disbelievers out of hatred

 Don't say we don't meet for life

 Then think, don't make any difference to us

 Then the tide of time turned

 We were afraid lest he should kill us

 People say that patience is the sweet fruit

 Wait, wait, listen, don't be in a hurry

 That is why I could not be equal to you

 I thought this fame would not kill me

 Definitely go see it

 Then I got scared so as not to surprise me

 Not everyone has their own way of life

 Don't kill me anywhere

 Closer to home

 In fact, I have been through word relationships

 They are happy in themselves, everyone has their own grief

 I am helpless with my own, with others

 Pharaoh also covered himself with the robe of Moses

 Something new has happened to me now

 Those who believe in God through power

 I have rebelled against such false gods

 Noman who spreads hatred in this country

 Now I have come across some such winds

 Ghazals were written on my face

 Her eyes saying lion

 I want it

 But can't show respect

 I love this body of yours

 Can't pollute in the name of love

 No matter how successful the disciple is

 Now he can't compete with Murshid

 Ali is also needed to know Ali

 Now not everyone can do Ali Ali

 By supporting Yazid

 Can't betray the family of Muhammad

 I myself am serious

 I am a joke to the world

 Everyone would read me

 When I have deep secrets

 I forgot too

 How can i remember someone

 By the way, I'm drunk

 Still, I'm very sad

 I am very worried about you

 I am free from other worries

 If you die, someone's name will be on your lips

 There will be mourning somewhere, there will be mourning

 Someone will cry, remember and be faithful

 Someone's lips will be full of happiness

 Take the wealth in your hands that someone will find

 We will not meet, the price will not be ours

 It will be less when Shabab-e-Ulfat falls on someone

 It will be painful to remember, it will be a common thing

 The sinking ship can still be crossed

 The throne of these ignorant rulers can be overthrown

 They cannot be overthrown

 But their rule can be denied

 If not necessary, we also cut the Hajj and extinction

 Someone else can be adopted in your place

 This is your sense of self

 Why entangle them in them, even if they can be burned

 Some ignorant people are united and understand

 That I can defeat Dana

 Although nothing special about his style

 But still the state of the heart can be heard

 Something that came to mind

 Not once but repeatedly

 I had forgotten all the injuries of the heart

 That is when the wound healed

 The conspiracy of that time, the oppression of their own

 Nothing, just a memory

 Someone tell me to go to Sahib

 As he walked, he came here looking for it

 Aamir's commitment to victory now

 When is it time to go?

 He looked in the mirror and left with his face

 How proud he was not to give his heart to Sahib

 Do not hit the messenger with your hand

 It's not his fault, it was my fault

 The weak jinn were far away from the heat

 There must have been a short desert in one house

 O wow, don't be careless, otherwise

 Every piece of stone was like a heart

 The lesson is to heat the electricity now in its name

 That is the heart whose nickname was Sabur

 Asad fitna awaits in every color

 The butterfly was the manifestation of the candle

 Probably died looking at your face

 The scale was the full moon of the night

 Heaven is waiting for the arrows of your sword

 The essence of taste was Jalwa Mojgan Hur

 Sixth after Hassan Ghamza's temptation

 The people of Jaffa are comfortable after me

 No one was able to get the job

 The downfall took place after me

 When the candle goes out, smoke rises from it

 The flame of love became black after me

 There is blood in the heart of the dust

 Needy Hina after me with her nails

 Don't go to Johar Baidad

 The eye is proud, angry with me after me

 Goodbye to the jinn and the people of jinn

 Chalk is separated from the poor after me

 Who is the male Afghan rival in love?

 Repeated prayers on the lips of the butler after me

 I die of grief that there is no one in the world

 May he offer his condolences and mercy after me

 Bexi has come to weep over love

 Whose house will the flood go after me?

 There was a veil of my heart in my eyes

 Arbab Riya lives safely after me

 The bouquet of friends was closed

 My comrades scattered after me

The History of Pakistan from becoming a function to a different situation

             P A K I S T A N 

The history of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan began on 14 August 1947 when the country became an independent nation in the form of Pakistani rule within the British Commonwealth due to the Pakistan Movement and the partition of India. While the history of the Nation of Pakistan according to the official chronology of the Pakistani government began with the Islamic rule over the Indian subcontinent by Muhammad bin Qasim [1] who reached its peak during the Mughal Era. In 1947, Pakistan included West Pakistan (modern-day Pakistan) and Eastern Pakistan (modern-day Bangladesh). The President of the All-India Muslim League and later the Pakistan Muslim League, Muhammad Ali Jinnah became Governor-General while the Secretary-General of the Muslim League, Liaquat Ali Khan became Prime Minister. The 1956 constitution made Pakistan a Muslim democracy.Pakistan experienced a civil war and the intervention of Indian troops in 1971 that led to the division of East Pakistan as the new state of Bangladesh. The country also has unresolved regional disputes with India, resulting in four conflicts. Pakistan was very close to the United States in the Cold War. In the Afghan-Soviet war, it supported the Sunni Mujahideens and played a key role in the defeat of the Soviet Forces and forced them to withdraw from Afghanistan. The country continues to face challenging challenges including terrorism, poverty, illiteracy, corruption and political instability. Terrorism as a result of the Afghanistan war has damaged the country's economy and infrastructure since 2001-09 but Pakistan is thriving again.Pakistan is a nuclear power as well as a country declared nuclear, having conducted six nuclear tests in response to five rivals of its rival Republic of India in May 1998. The first five tests were conducted on 28 May and the sixth on 30 May. In this regard, Pakistan is the seventh in the world, second only in South Asia and the only country in the Islamic world. Pakistan also has the sixth largest military force in the world and spends most of its budget on defense. Pakistan is a founding member of the OIC, SAARC and the Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition and a member of several international organizations including the UN, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Commonwealth of Nations, ARF, Economic Cooperation Organization and many more. A lot.

Pakistan is a regional and regional power that ranks among the emerging and leading economies in the world and is supported by one of the world's fastest growing middle-income countries. It has an economy equal to the industries with a well-integrated agricultural sector. It is one of the Next Eleven, a group of eleven countries that, together with the BRICs, have the potential to become the world's largest economies in the 21st century. Many economists and think tanks have suggested that by 2030 Pakistan become an Asian Tiger and CPEC will play a key role in it. Geographically, Pakistan is also an important country and a source of communication between the Middle East, Central Asia, South Asia and East Asia.

Pakistan Movement

Creation of Pakistan Edit

Key topics: India Independence Act of 1947, Partition of India, and Pakistan Independence Day.

On the 14th of August 1947 (the 27th of Ramadan in 1366 of the Islamic Calendar) Pakistan gained independence. India gained independence the next day. The two provinces of British India, Punjab and Bengal, were religiously divided by the Radcliffe Commission. Lord Mountbatten is accused of influencing the Radcliffe Commission to draw lines in favor of India. [39] [40] [41] The western part of the Muslim Punjab mostly went to Pakistan and the eastern part of the majority of Hindus and Sikhs went to India, but there were a few important Muslims in the eastern part of the Punjab and the small Hindus and simple Sikhs lived in the western part of the Punjab.

There was no idea that a population transfer would be necessary due to segregation. Smaller religions were expected to settle in the provinces where they found themselves. However, the exception was made in the Punjab which did not work in other provinces. [42] [43] Violent civil unrest in Punjab forced the Indian and Pakistani governments to approve the democratic exchange of Muslims and minority Hindus / Sikhs living in Punjab. After this exchange, only a few thousand Hindus of the lower caste of Punjab, Pakistan, and a few Muslims remained in the city of Mallerkotla in the Punjab region of India. [44] Politician Ishtiaq Ahmed states that although Muslims started the violence in the Punjab, by the end of 1947 more Muslims had been killed by Hindus and Sikhs in East Punjab than in the number of Hindus and Sikhs killed in the Western Punjab. [45] [46] [47] Nehru wrote to Gandhi on August 22 that by that time, more Muslims had been killed in East Punjab than Hindus and Sikhs in West Punjab. [48]

More than ten million migrants crossed new borders and between 200,000–2,000,000 [49] [50] [51] [52] and people died during civil unrest in Punjab in what some scholars have described as 'retaliatory genocide' between religions. [53] The Pakistani government claims that 50,000 Muslim women were abducted and raped by Hindu and Sikh men and similarly the Indian government claims that Muslims abducted and raped 33,000 Hindu and Sikh women. [54] [55] [56] Two governments agreed to repatriate abducted women and thousands of Hindu, Sikh, and Muslim women were reunited with their families in the 1950's. The conflict over Kashmir escalated into the first war between India and Pakistan. With the help of the United Nations (UN) the war ended but became a conflict in Kashmir, unresolved since 2021.


The history of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan began on 14 August 1947 when the country became an independent nation in the form of Pakistani rule within the British Commonwealth due to the Pakistan Movement and the partition of India. While the history of the Nation of Pakistan according to the official chronology of the Pakistani government began with the Islamic rule over the Indian subcontinent by Muhammad bin Qasim [1] who reached its peak during the Mughal Era. In 1947, Pakistan included West Pakistan (modern-day Pakistan) and Eastern Pakistan (modern-day Bangladesh). The President of the All-India Muslim League and later the Pakistan Muslim League, Muhammad Ali Jinnah became Governor-General while the Secretary-General of the Muslim League, Liaquat Ali Khan became Prime Minister. The 1956 constitution made Pakistan a Muslim democracy.

Pakistan experienced a civil war and the intervention of Indian troops in 1971 that led to the division of East Pakistan as the new state of Bangladesh. The country also has unresolved regional disputes with India, resulting in four conflicts. Pakistan was very close to the United States in the Cold War. In the Afghan-Soviet war, it supported the Sunni Mujahideens and played a key role in the defeat of the Soviet Forces and forced them to withdraw from Afghanistan. The country continues to face challenging challenges including terrorism, poverty, illiteracy, corruption and political instability. Terrorism as a result of the Afghanistan war has damaged the country's economy and infrastructure since 2001-09 but Pakistan is thriving again.

Pakistan is a nuclear power as well as a country declared nuclear, having conducted six nuclear tests in response to five rivals of its rival Republic of India in May 1998. The first five tests were conducted on 28 May and the sixth on 30 May. In this regard, Pakistan is the seventh in the world, second only in South Asia and the only country in the Islamic world. Pakistan also has the sixth largest military force in the world and spends most of its budget on defense. Pakistan is a founding member of the OIC, SAARC and the Islamic Military Counter Terrorism Coalition and a member of several international organizations including the UN, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Commonwealth of Nations, ARF, Economic Cooperation Organization and many more. A lot.Pakistan is a regional and regional power that ranks among the emerging and leading economies in the world and is supported by one of the world's fastest growing middle-income countries. It has an economy equal to the industries with a well-integrated agricultural sector. It is one of the Next Eleven, a group of eleven countries that, together with the BRICs, have the potential to become the world's largest economies in the 21st century. Many economists and think tanks have suggested that by 2030 Pakistan become an Asian Tiger and CPEC will play a key role in it. Geographically, Pakistan is also an important country and a source of communication between the Middle East, Central Asia, South Asia and East Asia.